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Output files

PCGR generates multiple output files with annotations of molecular aberrations, including an interactive report, an Excel workbook, and pure text-based annotation files (TSV).

HTML report - quarto-based

An interactive and structured HTML report that shows the most relevant findings in the query cancer genome has the following naming convention:

  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.html
    • The sample_id is provided as input by the user, and reflects a unique identifier of the tumor-normal sample pair to be analyzed.

The report is structured in various sections, pending upon the input provided by the user. The following sections may be included in the report:

  1. Settings
    • Lists key configurations for the analysis, including the genome assembly, type of sequencing assay (WES/WGS/TARGETED), the cancer type (as provided by the user), and the tumor purity and ploidy.
  2. Somatic SNVs/InDels
    • Provides an overview of the somatic SNVs and InDels detected in the tumor sample
    • Includes a global distribution of allelic support, statistics with respect to variant types and consequences
    • Variants are classified with respect to predicted oncogenicity (ClinGen/CGC/VICC standard operating procedures)
      • permits also exploration of somatic mutations through interactive filtering according to several dimensions (variant sequencing depth/support, variant consequence etc.)
    • Variants are classified with respect to clinical actionability (AMP/ASCO/CAP guidelines)
      • individual evidence items linked to actionable variants can be explored, indicating strength of evidence, tumor type and therapeutic context, and clinical significance
  3. Somatic CNAs
    • Aberrations are classified with respect to clinical actionability (AMP/ASCO/CAP guidelines)
    • individual evidence items linked to actionable variants can be explored, indicating strength of evidence, tumor type and therapeutic context, and clinical significance
    • Other potentially oncogenic aberrations are listed, pProto-oncogenes subject to copy number amplifications, and tumor suppressor genes subject to homozygous deletions
  4. MSI status
  • Indicates predicted microsatellite stability from the somatic mutation profile and supporting evidence (details of the underlying MSI statistical classifier can be found here)
  • The MSI classifier was trained on TCGA exome samples.
  1. Tumor mutational burden (TMB)
    • given a coding target region size specified by the user (ideally the callable target size), an estimate of the mutational burden is provided
    • The estimated TMB is shown in the context of TMB distributions from different primary sites in TCGA
  2. Mutational signatures
  1. RNA expression analysis
  • Datatable with expression outliers - as compared to distribution in reference cohorts
  • Datatable with correlation between gene expression in query sample and other reference cohorts (TCGA, TreeHouse, DepMap)
  • Immune contexture profiling
  1. Documentation
  • Annotation resources - databases with version and licensing information
    • Report contents - brief description of the main sections in the report
  • References - supporting scientific literature (key report elements)

Example reports



1. Variant call format - VCF

A VCF file containing annotated, somatic calls (single nucleotide variants and insertion/deletions) is generated with the following naming convention:

  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.vcf.gz
    • The sample_id is provided as input by the user, and reflects a unique identifier of the tumor-normal sample pair to be analyzed. Following common standards, the annotated VCF file is compressed with bgzip and indexed with tabix. Below follows a description of all annotations/tags present in the VCF INFO column after processing with the PCGR annotation pipeline:
VEP consequence annotations
Tag Description
Consequence Impact modifier for the consequence type (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
Gene Ensembl stable ID of affected gene (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
Feature_type Type of feature. Currently one of Transcript, RegulatoryFeature, MotifFeature (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
Feature Ensembl stable ID of feature (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
cDNA_position Relative position of base pair in cDNA sequence (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
CDS_position Relative position of base pair in coding sequence (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
CDS_RELATIVE_POSITION Ratio of variant coding position to length of coding sequence
CDS_CHANGE Coding, transcript-specific sequence annotation (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
AMINO_ACID_START Protein position indicating absolute start of amino acid altered (fetched from Protein_position)
AMINO_ACID_END Protein position indicating absolute end of amino acid altered (fetched from Protein_position)
Protein_position Relative position of amino acid in protein (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
Amino_acids Only given if the variant affects the protein-coding sequence (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
GRANTHAM_DISTANCE Grantham distance between the reference and variant amino acids
Codons The alternative codons with the variant base in upper case (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
IMPACT Impact modifier for the consequence type (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
VARIANT_CLASS Sequence Ontology variant class (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
SYMBOL Gene symbol (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
SYMBOL_SOURCE The source of the gene symbol (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
STRAND The DNA strand (1 or -1) on which the transcript/feature lies (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
ENSP The Ensembl protein identifier of the affected transcript (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
FLAGS Transcript quality flags: cds_start_NF: CDS 5’, incomplete cds_end_NF: CDS 3’ incomplete (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
SWISSPROT Best match UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot accession of protein product (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
TREMBL Best match UniProtKB/TrEMBL accession of protein product (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
UNIPARC Best match UniParc accession of protein product (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
HGVSc The HGVS coding sequence name (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
HGVSc_RefSeq The HGVSc coding sequence name using RefSeq transcript identifiers (MANE select) - picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
HGVSp The HGVS protein sequence name (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
HGVSp_short The HGVS protein sequence name, short version (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
HGVS_OFFSET Indicates by how many bases the HGVS notations for this variant have been shifted (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
NearestExonJB VEP plugin that finds nearest exon junction for a coding sequence variant. Format: Ensembl exon identifier+distanceto exon boundary+boundary type(start/end)+exon length
MOTIF_NAME The source and identifier of a transcription factor binding profile aligned at this position (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
MOTIF_POS The relative position of the variation in the aligned TFBP (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
HIGH_INF_POS A flag indicating if the variant falls in a high information position of a transcription factor binding profile (TFBP) (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
MOTIF_SCORE_CHANGE The difference in motif score of the reference and variant sequences for the TFBP (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
CELL_TYPE List of cell types and classifications for regulatory feature (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
CANONICAL A flag indicating if the transcript is denoted as the canonical transcript for this gene (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
CCDS The CCDS identifier for this transcript, where applicable (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
INTRON The intron number (out of total number) (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
EXON The exon number (out of total number) (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
EXON_AFFECTED The exon affected by the variant (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
LAST_EXON Logical indicator for last exon of transcript (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
LAST_INTRON Logical indicator for last intron of transcript (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
INTRON_POSITION Relative position of intron variant to nearest exon/intron junction (NearestExonJB VEP plugin)
EXON_POSITION Relative position of exon variant to nearest intron/exon junction (NearestExonJB VEP plugin)
DISTANCE Shortest distance from variant to transcript (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
BIOTYPE Biotype of transcript or regulatory feature (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
TSL Transcript support level (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)>
PUBMED PubMed ID(s) of publications that cite existing variant - VEP
PHENO Indicates if existing variant is associated with a phenotype, disease or trait - VEP
GENE_PHENO Indicates if overlapped gene is associated with a phenotype, disease or trait - VEP
ALLELE_NUM Allele number from input; 0 is reference, 1 is first alternate etc - VEP
REFSEQ_MATCH The RefSeq transcript match status; contains a number of flags indicating whether this RefSeq transcript matches the underlying reference sequence and/or an Ensembl transcript (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option)
PICK Indicates if this block of consequence data was picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele option
VEP_ALL_CSQ All transcript consequences (Consequence:SYMBOL:Feature_type:Feature:BIOTYPE) - VEP
EXONIC_STATUS Indicates if variant consequence type is ‘exonic’ or ‘nonexonic’. We here define ‘exonic’ as any variant with either of the following consequences: stop_gained / stop_lost, start_lost, frameshift_variant, missense_variant, splice_donor_variant, splice_acceptor_variant, inframe_insertion / inframe_deletion, synonymous_variant, start_retained, stop_retained, protein_altering
CODING_STATUS Indicates if primary variant consequence type is ‘coding’ or ‘noncoding’ (wrt. protein-alteration). ‘coding’ variants are here defined as those with an ‘exonic’ status, with the exception of synonymous variants
EXONIC_STATUS Indicates if variant consequence type is ‘exonic’ or ‘nonexonic’. We define ‘exonic’ as any variants with the following consequence types: stop_gained / stop_lost, start_lost, frameshift_variant, missense_variant, splice_donor_variant, splice_acceptor_variant, inframe_insertion / inframe_deletion, synonymous_variant, protein_altering
CODING_STATUS Indicates if primary variant consequence type is ‘coding’ or ‘noncoding’. ‘coding’ variants are here defined as those consequence types with an ‘exonic’ status, with the exception of synonymous variants. All other consequence types are considered ‘noncoding’
NULL_VARIANT Primary variant consequence type is frameshift or stop_gained
LOSS_OF_FUNCTION Loss-of-function variant - primary variant consequence being either stop_gained / stop_lost, start_lost, frameshift_variant, splice_donor_variant, or splice_acceptor_variant
LOF_FILTER Loss-of-function filter - exceptions to putative LOF variants - GC to GT at splice donor sites or truncations within the last 5% of coding sequence
SPLICE_DONOR_RELEVANT Logical indicating if variant is located at a particular location near the splice donor site (+3A/G, +4A or +5G)
REGULATORY_ANNOTATION Comma-separated list of all variant annotations of Feature_type, RegulatoryFeature, and MotifFeature. Format (separated by a |): <Consequence>, <Feature_type>, <Feature>, <BIOTYPE>, <MOTIF_NAME>, <MOTIF_POS>, <HIGH_INF_POS>, <MOTIF_SCORE_CHANGE>, <TRANSCRIPTION_FACTORS>
Gene information
Tag Description
ENTREZGENE Entrez gene identifier
APPRIS Principal isoform flags according to the APPRIS principal isoform database
MANE_SELECT Indicating if the transcript is the MANE Select for the gene (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele_gene option)
MANE_PLUS_CLINICAL Indicating if the transcript is MANE Plus Clinical, as required for clinical variant reporting (picked by VEP’s --flag_pick_allele_gene option)
UNIPROT_ID UniProt identifier
UNIPROT_ACC UniProt accession(s)
ENSEMBL_GENE_ID Ensembl gene identifier for VEP’s picked transcript (ENSGXXXXXXX)
ENSEMBL_TRANSCRIPT_ID Ensembl transcript identifier for VEP’s picked transcript (ENSTXXXXXX)
ENSEMBL_PROTEIN_ID Ensembl corresponding protein identifier for VEP’s picked transcript (ENSPXXXXXX)
REFSEQ_TRANSCRIPT_ID Corresponding RefSeq transcript(s) identifier for VEP’s picked transcript (NM_XXXXX)
MANE_SELECT2 MANE select transcript identifer: one high-quality representative transcript per protein-coding gene that is well-supported by experimental data and represents the biology of the gene - provided through BioMart
MANE_PLUS_CLINICAL2 transcripts chosen to supplement MANE Select when needed for clinical variant reporting - provided through BioMart
GENCODE_TAG tag for gencode transcript (basic etc)
GENCODE_TRANSCRIPT_TYPE type of transcript (protein-coding etc.)
TSG Flag indicating whether gene is predicted as a tumor suppressor gene, from Cancer Gene Census, Network of Cancer Genes (NCG) & the CancerMine text-mining resource
TSG_SUPPORT Underlying evidence for gene being a tumor suppressor. Format: CGC_TIER<1/2>&NCG&CancerMine:num_citations
ONCOGENE Flag indicating whether gene is predicted as an oncogene, from Cancer Gene Census, Network of Cancer Genes (NCG) & the CancerMine text-mining resource.
ONCOGENE_SUPPORT Underlying evidence for gene being an oncogene. Format: CGC_TIER<1/2>&NCG&CancerMine:num_citations
INTOGEN_DRIVER Gene is predicted as a cancer driver in the IntoGen Cancer Drivers Database
TCGA_DRIVER Gene is predicted as a cancer driver in the TCGA pan-cancer analysis of cancer driver genes and mutations
PROB_EXAC_LOF_INTOLERANT dbNSFP_gene: the probability of being loss-of-function intolerant (intolerant of both heterozygous and homozygous lof variants) based on ExAC r0.3 data
PROB_EXAC_LOF_INTOLERANT_HOM dbNSFP_gene: the probability of being intolerant of homozygous, but not heterozygous lof variants based on ExAC r0.3 data
PROB_EXAC_LOF_TOLERANT_NULL dbNSFP_gene: the probability of being tolerant of both heterozygous and homozygous lof variants based on ExAC r0.3 data
PROB_EXAC_NONTCGA_LOF_INTOLERANT dbNSFP_gene: the probability of being loss-of-function intolerant (intolerant of both heterozygous and homozygous lof variants) based on ExAC r0.3 nonTCGA subset
PROB_EXAC_NONTCGA_LOF_INTOLERANT_HOM dbNSFP_gene: the probability of being intolerant of homozygous, but not heterozygous lof variants based on ExAC r0.3 nonTCGA subset
PROB_EXAC_NONTCGA_LOF_TOLERANT_NULL dbNSFP_gene: the probability of being tolerant of both heterozygous and homozygous lof variants based on ExAC r0.3 nonTCGA subset
PROB_GNOMAD_LOF_INTOLERANT dbNSFP_gene: the probability of being loss-of-function intolerant (intolerant of both heterozygous and homozygous lof variants based on gnomAD 2.1 data
PROB_GNOMAD_LOF_INTOLERANT_HOM dbNSFP_gene: the probability of being intolerant of homozygous, but not heterozygous lof variants based on gnomAD 2.1 data
PROB_GNOMAD_LOF_TOLERANT_NULL dbNSFP_gene: the probability of being tolerant of both heterozygous and homozygous lof variants based on gnomAD 2.1 data
PROB_HAPLOINSUFFICIENCY dbNSFP_gene: Estimated probability of haploinsufficiency of the gene (from
ESSENTIAL_GENE_CRISPR dbNSFP_gene: Essential (E) or Non-essential phenotype-changing (N) based on large scale CRISPR experiments. from
ESSENTIAL_GENE_CRISPR2 dbNSFP_gene: Essential (E), context-Specific essential (S), or Non-essential phenotype-changing (N) based on large scale CRISPR experiments. from
Variant effect and protein-coding information
Tag Description
MUTATION_HOTSPOT mutation hotspot codon in Format: gene_symbol | codon | q-value
MUTATION_HOTSPOT_TRANSCRIPT hotspot-associated transcripts (Ensembl transcript ID)
MUTATION_HOTSPOT_CANCERTYPE hotspot-associated cancer types (from
PFAM_DOMAIN Pfam domain identifier (from VEP)
INTOGEN_DRIVER_MUT Indicates if existing variant is predicted as driver mutation from IntoGen Catalog of Driver Mutations
EFFECT_PREDICTIONS Insilico predictions variant effect on protein function and pre-mRNA splicing from database of non-synonymous functional predictions - dbNSFP v5.0. Predicted effects are provided by different sources/algorithms (separated by &), T = Tolerated, N = Neutral, D = Damaging
SPLICE_EFFECT Effect of splicing, from MutSpliceDB and/or MaxEntScan. Format:
DBNSFP_BAYESDEL_ADDAF predicted effect from BayesDel (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_LIST_S2 predicted effect from LIST-S2 (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_SIFT predicted effect from SIFT (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_POLYPHEN2_HVAR predicted effect from PolyPhen2 (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_PROVEAN predicted effect from PROVEAN (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_M_CAP predicted effect from M-CAP (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_ALOFT predicted effect from ALoFT (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_CLINPRED predicted effect from ClinPred (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_FATHMM predicted effect from FATHMM-XF (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_PRIMATEAI predicted effect from PRIMATEAI (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_DEOGEN2 predicted effect from DEOGEN2 (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_PHACTBOOST predicted effect from PHACTboost (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_ALPHA_MISSENSE predicted effect from AlphaMissense (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_MUTFORMER predicted effect from MutFormer (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_ESM1B predicted effect from ESM1b (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_GERP evolutionary constraint measure from GERP (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_CADD Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion (CADD) score (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_FATHMM_XF predicted effect from FATHMM-XF (dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_META_RNN predicted effect from ensemble prediction (deep learning - dbNSFP)
DBNSFP_SPLICE_SITE_RF predicted effect of splice site disruption, using random forest (dbscSNV)
DBNSFP_SPLICE_SITE_ADA predicted effect of splice site disruption, using boosting (dbscSNV)
Variant frequencies/annotations in germline/somatic databases
Tag Description
gnomADe_AF Adjusted global germline allele frequency (gnomAD release 4.1)
gnomADe_AFR_AF African/American germline allele frequency (gnomAD release 4.1)
gnomADe_AMR_AF American germline allele frequency (gnomAD release 4.1)
gnomADe_SAS_AF South Asian germline allele frequency (gnomAD release 4.1)
gnomADe_EAS_AF East Asian germline allele frequency (gnomAD release 4.1)
gnomADe_FIN_AF Finnish germline allele frequency (gnomAD release 4.1)
gnomADe_NFE_AF Non-Finnish European germline allele frequency (gnomAD release 4.1)
gnomADe_OTH_AF Other germline allele frequency (gnomAD release 4.1)
gnomADe_ASJ_AF Ashkenazi Jewish allele frequency (gnomAD release 4.1)
DBSNP_RSID dbSNP reference ID, as provided by VEP
COSMIC_MUTATION_ID Mutation identifier in Catalog of somatic mutations in cancer database, as provided by VEP
TCGA_PANCANCER_COUNT Raw variant count across all TCGA tumor types
TCGA_FREQUENCY Frequency of variant across TCGA tumor types. Format: tumortype| percent affected|affected cases|total cases
Clinical associations
Tag Description
CLINVAR_MSID ClinVar Measure Set/Variant ID
CLINVAR_PMID Associated Pubmed IDs for variant in ClinVar - germline state-of-origin
CLINVAR_HGVSP Protein variant expression using HGVS nomenclature
CLINVAR_PMID_SOMATIC Associated Pubmed IDs for variant in ClinVar - somatic state-of-origin
CLINVAR_CLNSIG Clinical significance for variant in ClinVar - germline state-of-origin
CLINVAR_CLNSIG_SOMATIC Clinical significance for variant in ClinVar - somatic state-of-origin
CLINVAR_MEDGEN_CUI Associated MedGen concept identifiers (CUIs) - germline state-of-origin
CLINVAR_MEDGEN_CUI_SOMATIC Associated MedGen concept identifiers (CUIs) - somatic state-of-origin
CLINVAR_VARIANT_ORIGIN Origin of variant (somatic, germline, de novo etc.) for variant in ClinVar
CLINVAR_REVIEW_STATUS_STARS Rating of the ClinVar variant (0-4 stars) with respect to level of review
KNOWN_ONCOGENIC Variant matches with known oncogenic variants in ClinVar, through ClinGen/CGC/VICC SOP. Format:
KNOWN_ONCOGENIC_SITE Variant matches with known oncogenic site/codon in ClinVar, through ClinGen/CGC/VICC SOP. The variant must have approximately the same Grantham distance as the one recorded for the oncogenic site. Format:
Tag Description
BIOMARKER_MATCH Variant matches with biomarker evidence in CIViC/CGI. Format: ||::::|. Multiple evidence items are separated by ‘&’. Example: civic
ONCOGENICITY Oncogenicity annotation - ClinGen/CGC/VICC SOP implementation
ONCOGENICITY_CODE Variant-matching oncogenicity code(s) - ClinGen/CGC/VICC SOP implementation
ONCOGENICITY_SCORE Variant oncogenicity score - ClinGen/CGC/VICC SOP implementation

2. Tab-separated values (TSV)

We provide a tab-separated values file with most important annotations for SNVs/InDels. The file has the following naming convention:

  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.snv_indel_ann.tsv.gz

The following variables are included in the TSV file (VCF tags issued by the user (--retained_info_tags) will be appended at the end):

Variable Description
1. SAMPLE_ID Sample identifier
2. GENOMIC_CHANGE Identifier for variant at the genome (VCF) level, e.g. 1:g.152382569A>G. Format: <chrom>:g.<position><ref_allele><alt_allele>
3. GENOME_VERSION Assembly version, e.g. GRCh37
4. VARIANT_CLASS Variant type, e.g. SNV/insertion/deletion/indel
5. SYMBOL Gene symbol
6. ENTREZGENE Entrez gene identifier
7. ENSEMBL_GENE_ID Ensembl gene identifier
8. GENENAME Gene name
9. ALTERATION Combined HGVSp/HGVSc annotation
10. PROTEIN_CHANGE Protein change
11. CONSEQUENCE Variant consequence - from VEP
12. PFAM_DOMAIN_NAME Pfam domain name
13. LOSS_OF_FUNCTION Loss of function flag
14. LOF_FILTER Loss of function filter
15. CDS_CHANGE Coding sequence change
16. CODING_STATUS Coding status - flag indicating if consequence is protein-altering/affecting splice sites
17. EXONIC_STATUS Exonic status - flag indicating if consequence is silent/protein-altering/affecting splice sites
18. DP_TUMOR Depth of coverage at variant position in tumor sample
19. VAF_TUMOR Variant allele fraction at variant position in tumor sample
20. DP_CONTROL Depth of coverage at variant position in control sample
21. VAF_CONTROL Variant allele fraction at variant position in control sample
22. MUTATION_HOTSPOT Mutation hotspot annotation
23. MUTATION_HOTSPOT_CANCERTYPE Mutation hotspot-associated cancer types (from
24. ACTIONABILITY_TIER Variant clinical actionability tier - AMP/ASCO/CAP implementation
25. ACTIONABILITY Variant clinical actionability significance - AMP/ASCO/CAP implementation
26. ACTIONABILITY_FRAMEWORK Variant clinical actionability framework - AMP/ASCO/CAP implementation
27. ONCOGENICITY Oncogenicity annotation - ClinGen/CGC/VICC SOP implementation
28. ONCOGENICITY_CODE Variant-matching oncogenicity code(s) - ClinGen/CGC/VICC SOP implementation
29. ONCOGENICITY_SCORE Variant oncogenicity score - ClinGen/CGC/VICC SOP implementation
30. HGVSc HGVS coding sequence name
31. HGVSc_RefSeq HGVS coding sequence name (RefSeq)
32. HGVSp HGVS protein sequence name
33. CANONICAL Flag indicating if transcript is canonical
34. CCDS CCDS identifier
35. UNIPROT_ACC UniProt accession
36. ENSEMBL_TRANSCRIPT_ID Ensembl transcript identifier
37. ENSEMBL_PROTEIN_ID Ensembl protein identifier
38. REFSEQ_TRANSCRIPT_ID RefSeq transcript identifier
39. REFSEQ_PROTEIN_ID RefSeq protein identifier
40. MANE_SELECT MANE transcript select
41. MANE_PLUS_CLINICAL MANE transcript plus clinical
42. CGC_TIER Cancer Gene Census tier
43. CGC_GERMLINE Cancer Gene Census germline annotation
44. CGC_SOMATIC Cancer Gene Census somatic annotation
45. ONCOGENE Flag indicating if gene is oncogene (CGC/CancerMine/NCG)
46. ONCOGENE_SUPPORT Oncogene annotation support (CGC/CancerMine/NCG)
47. TUMOR_SUPPRESSOR Flag indicating if gene is tumor suppressor (CGC/CancerMine/NCG)
48. TUMOR_SUPPRESSOR_SUPPORT Tumor suppressor annotation support (CGC/CancerMine/NCG)
49. TARGETED_INHIBITORS2 Targeted inhibitors
50. EFFECT_PREDICTIONS Variant effect predictions - from dbNSFP
51. SPLICE_EFFECT Splice effect annotations from MutSpliceDB and MaxEntScan (see details above)
52. REGULATORY_ANNOTATION Regulatory annotation
53. VEP_ALL_CSQ VEP consequence - all transcripts
54. gnomADe_AF gnomAD exomes allele frequency - globally
55. DBSNP_RSID dbSNP identifier
56. COSMIC_ID COSMIC identifier
57. TCGA_FREQUENCY Frequency of variant across TCGA tumor types. Format: tumortype | percent affected | affected cases | total cases
58. TCGA_PANCANCER_COUNT Raw variant count across all TCGA tumor types
59. CLINVAR_MSID ClinVar measureset identifier
60. CLINVAR_CLASSIFICATION ClinVar variant classification
61. CLINVAR_VARIANT_ORIGIN ClinVar variant origin
62. CLINVAR_NUM_SUBMITTERS ClinVar number of submitters
63. CLINVAR_REVIEW_STATUS_STARS ClinVar number of review status stars
64. CLINVAR_CONFLICTED ClinVar variant classification is conflicted
65. BIOMARKER_MATCH Biomarker match
66. CALL_CONFIDENCE Call confidence

For tumor-only runs, we provide a similarly formatted tab-separated values file that include both filtered (i.e. likely germline events) and unfiltered (deemed somatic) variants. The file has the following naming convention:

  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.snv_indel_filtered.ann.tsv.gz

In this TSV file, an additional column SOMATIC_CLASSIFICATION indicates for each variant if it is classified as somatic or germline.

Tumor mutational burden (TSV)

We provide a tab-separated values (TSV) file with information about mutational burden detected in the tumor sample. The file has the following naming convention:

  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.tmb.tsv

The format of the TSV file is the following:

Variable Description
1. sample_id sample identifier
2. n_somatic_variants number of somatic variants in total for sample
3. tmb_measure TMB measure - type of variants included
4. tmb_csq_regex VEP consequence regex for variants included in TMB calculation
5. tmb_target_size_mb target size in megabases
6. tmb_dp_min minimum depth of coverage for variant to be included in TMB calculation
7. tmb_af_min minimum allele frequency for variant to be included in TMB calculation
8. tmb_n_variants number of variants included in TMB calculation
9. tmb_estimate TMB estimate
10. tmb_unit TMB unit (i.e. mutations/Mb)

Mutational signature contributions (TSV)

We provide a tab-separated values (TSV) file with information about mutational signatures detected in the tumor sample. The file has the following naming convention:

  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.msigs.tsv.gz

The format of the TSV file is the following:

Variable Description
1. sample_id sample identifier
2. signature_id identifier for signature
3. n_bs_iterations number of bootstrap iterations
4. prop_signature relative contribution of mutational signature
5. prop_signature_ci_lower lower bound of confidence interval for relative contribution of mutational signature
6. prop_signature_ci_upper upper bound of confidence interval for relative contribution of mutational signature
7. aetiology underlying atiology of mutational signature
8. comments additional comments regarding aetiology
9. group keyword for signature aetiology
10. all_reference_signatures logical indicating if all reference signatures were used for reconstruction/inference
11. tumor_type tumor type (used for retrieval of reference signatures)
12. reference_collection collection used for reference signatures
13. reference_signatures signatures present in reference collection
14. fitting_accuracy accuracy of mutational signature fitting

Copy number aberrations

1. Tab-separated values (TSV)

Copy number segments are intersected with the genomic coordinates of all transcripts from GENCODE’s basic gene annotation. In addition, PCGR attaches cancer-relevant annotations for the affected transcripts. The naming convention of the compressed TSV files are as follows:

  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.cna_segment.tsv.gz
    • segment level information only
  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.cna_gene_ann.tsv.gz
    • This file is organized according to the affected transcripts (i.e. one line/record per affected transcript, segments not overlapping with any transcripts will thus not be included in this files).

The format of the compressed cna_gene_ann.tsv.gz is the following:

Variable Description
1. SAMPLE_ID Sample identifier
2. VAR_ID Variant identifier. Format: <chromosome>:<segment_start>-<segment_end>:<major_cn>:<minor_cn>
3. CN_MAJOR Major copy number
4. CN_MINOR Minor copy number
5. SEGMENT_LENGTH_MB Length of segment in Mb
6. CYTOBAND Associated cytoband
7. EVENT_TYPE Focal or broad (covering more than 25% of chromosome arm)
8. VARIANT_CLASS gain: total copy number >= user-defined threshold; loss - total copy number equal to zero; undefined other copy number states
9. SYMBOL Gene symbol
10. ENTREZGENE Entrez gene identifier
11. GENENAME Gene name
12. ENSEMBL_GENE_ID Ensembl gene identifier
13. TUMOR_SUPPRESSOR Flag indicating if gene is tumor suppressor (CGC/CancerMine/NCG)
14. TUMOR_SUPPRESSOR_SUPPORT Tumor suppressor annotation support (CGC/CancerMine/NCG)
15. ONCOGENE Flag indicating if gene is oncogene (CGC/CancerMine/NCG)
16. ONCOGENE_SUPPORT Oncogene annotation support (CGC/CancerMine/NCG)
17. TRANSCRIPT_OVERLAP Comma-separated list of associated transcripts, including percentage of transcript overlap
18. ACTIONABILITY_TIER Variant actionability tier - AMP/ASCO/CAP
19. ACTIONABILITY Variant clinical actionability significance - AMP/ASCO/CAP
20. ACTIONABILITY_FRAMEWORK Variant clinical actionability framework - AMP/ASCO/CAP
21. BIOMARKER_MATCH Biomarker match
22. TARGETED_INHIBITORS_ALL2 Molecularly targeted inhibitors - indicated for any tumor type

Gene expression data

If users provide bulk RNA-seq expression data as input, PCGR will attach basic gene annotations for the affected transcripts, and perform similarity analysis and outlier detection if configured by the user. The naming convention of the compressed TSV files are as follows:

  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.expression.tsv.gz
    • NOTE: This file is organized according to the affected transcripts (i.e. one line/record per affected transcript). Contains basic annotations of the affected transcripts.
  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.expression_similarity.tsv.gz
    • NOTE: This file is organized according to the samples of other gene expression cohorts (i.e. similarity level, one line/record per sample).
  • <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.expression_outliers.tsv.gz
    • NOTE: This file is organized according to how the expression levels of genes/transcripts compare to the distribution of expression levels found in reference cohorts. This files contain various statistics in this respect (e.g. z-scores, IQR, Q1, Q2, Q3, percentile etc), enabling the detection of expression outliers.

Excel workbook (XLSX)

The Excel workbook contains multiple sheets with data tables, mostly self-explainable, with annotated datasets pending on the analysis performed (assay/sample data, SNVs/InDels, CNAs, biomarker evidence, TMB, MSI, mutational signatures, immune contexture profiling etc). The naming convention of the Excel workbook is as follows: <sample_id>.pcgr.<genome_assembly>.xlsx. Note: To reduce the size of the SNVs/InDel sheets in the Excel workbook, we only include the clinically actionable variants as well as other exonic variants (including splice site variants, silent variants, and protein-altering variants).