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pharmOncoX provides access to targeted and non-targeted cancer drugs, including comprehensive annotations per target, drug mechanism-of-action, approval dates, clinical trial phases for various indications etc. It also provides access to data on actionable genomic aberrations (i.e. molecular biomarkers), including gene fusions, mutations, copy number alterations, and expression biomarkers.

The data is largely based on drug-target-indication associations provided by the Open Targets Platform (Ochoa et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 2021). Associations retrieved from Open Targets Platform are integrated with cancer-relevant indications/conditions (as provided in sigven/phenOncoX), allowing the user to retrieve drugs indicated for main tumor types (e.g. Lung, Colon/Rectum etc.)

Drug-target associations from the Open Targets Platform have furthermore been integrated and appended with drug information from NCI Thesaurus, showing also non-targeted cancer drugs (chemotherapeutic agents etc.), and various drug regimens.

pharmOncoX provides anti-cancer drug classification through existing entries in the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System, and these have been extended significantly with manual curation, also by establishing novel drug categories that are presently missing in the ATC classificiation tree (examples include AURK inhibitors, MET inhibitors, BET inhibitors, AKT inhibitors, PLK inhibitors, IAP inhibitors, RAS inhibitors, BCL2 inhibitors etc.) enabling a filtering of drugs according to their main mechanisms of action.

Currently (as of mid September 2024), pharmOncoX is built upon the following releases of external databases:

  • Open Targets Platform (2024.06)
  • ChEMBL (v34)
  • NCI Thesaurus (24.07e)
  • MitelmanDB (20240715)
  • CIViC (20240918)


sigven AT

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